Open source and free browser extension that removes annoying YouTube troll comments.
We are currently developing new features that will allow subscribing to other lists besides fedora ones including hate speech, spam, trolls, etc. We are also developing an improved reviewing system. Stay tuned.
Found yourself on the ban list by mistake? Send an appeal to a ban here.
Is the extension malware?
No. The extension has been reviewed and accepted by Chrome, Firefox and Opera extension stores. With Firefox and Opera there is an actual human being going through the code making sure the code is not only not malicious, but also not too much resource consuming. Chrome store has an automated review process, though there may be some instances in which a manual review will be required. Chrome and Opera Hide Fedora extension use the same code, because both Chrome and Opera use the same engine. Any anti-virus software that reports Hide Fedora as malicious is because the trolls are giving bad reviews (you can report those as false positives). The extension wouldn't be available in the official Chrome, Firefox and Opera store if it wasn't safe to use.
I'm using Chrome and the extension stopped working.
Extension is asking me to confirm some new permissions. What the hell?
YouTube video page has a new HTML structure. Comments used to be loaded into the page via an iframe element. Think of it as comments page within a video page. The extension needed permissions to change data of the comments page which was loaded from, but because comments are now part of, the extension needs permissions to change data on Permissions to read and change data on are needed to fetch the banlist.
Does the extension phone home?
Yes it does, because it needs to fetch the ban list.
If you're not using a comment blocker, this chrome plugin gets rid of the oh so hilarious "LE REDDIT" YT comments -
— TotalBiscuit (@Totalbiscuit) December 4, 2014
TIL there's a "Hide Fedora" Chrome extension that blocks all "redditor here, m'lady!"comments from YouTube
— Reddit TIL (@TIL_Reddit) December 13, 2014
Those mental "Redditor Troll" YouTube comments are getting so out of hand there is an exteNSION TO BLOCK THEM HA
— Liam Dryden (@LiamDrydenEtc) December 3, 2014
Just found out there is an extension to block the reddit fedora army youtube comments. Best find of 2015 so far.
— Badmіn (@VisixOnYoutube) January 8, 2015
“Hide Fedora” Is A Browser Extension That Blocks Le Reddit Armie’s Meta-Trolling
— The Mary Sue (@TheMarySue) January 3, 2015
I think the "Hide Fedora" extension just replaced Adblock as my favorite Chrome extension
— Spry young spriggan (@BurceChuat) December 11, 2014